Mecha action shooter, plunging the player into an apocalyptic war. Engage in epic battles with endless hordes of monsters in your powerful customizable mechs.
In the year 2049 at the peak of the Second Cold War, an all-out conflict between N.A.T.O and the Russia-China alliance is about to break out.
In the midst of the tension, an enigmatic incident sends the world into an apocalyptic war. Nightmarish creatures of unknown origin suddenly begin to appear, plunging the world into terror and chaos. A young American pilot, Ethan, is caught in the middle of it all, as untold horrors break out on the surface of the planet. He will have to battle endless hordes of monsters in his Mobile Armor, a powerful customizable Mech : Mecha Knights: Nightmare
File Size- 5GB
System Requirements
- CPU: Core i7-6800K
- RAM: 12 GB
- OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Video Card: GeForce GTX 970 4GB
- Free Disk Space: 20 GB
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