Windows 10 RS5 AIO with January 2019 is the latest and updated version of the operating system. It is considered as the most appropriate and reliable operating system for the latest computers. It has This operating system has improved and unique features and tools that can be easily used.Furthermore, the user interface of this version is eye captivating and easily understandable.
Best Features of Windows 10 RS5 AIO
- Powerful operating system
- Contains all the latest January 2019 updates
- Complete support for touch screen devices
- Sleeker user interface
- Better compatibility features
- Improved searching features
- Microsoft Edge for the better internet experience
- Multilingual operating system
- Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit
- Many other powerful features

File Size- 4GB
System Requirements
- Operating System: MS Windows
- Memory (RAM): 2 GB or above
- Hard Disk: 16 GB Free Space of Hard Disk
- Processor: Intel Pentium IV or above
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